"Watch and Pray" Yeshua/Jesus said this many times.
Watchmen play an integral role in preparing the way of The Lord!
Apostle Susan Nikirk wrote and started the International Watchmen School of Ministry & Prayer years ago in their ministry headquarters in Connecticut. As the Nikirks traveled the nations preaching, they saw the need for in-depth teaching on many subjects, especially prayer that most believers never learn. The Holy Spirit clearly spoke to her that at the end of the age, effectual powerful prayer will play an integral role in the believer's lives and in preparing the way for the Messiah's coming. Apostle Susan never dreamed that this school would be in Africa, but The Lord had other plans. The International Watchmen School of Ministry & Prayer is online totally FREE!
During the Pandemic in 2020, the Holy Spirit directed Apostle Susan to go on facebook with live end time teachings and encourage believers to take the online Watchmen School. Many African Pastors attended and Apostle David Snylder from Liberia started the school in his country on his own without funding. A divine appointment and relationship started with Nikirk Ministries and The First International Watchmen School began in Monrovia, Liberia, in 2020 under the direction of Apostle David Snylder, who became ordained with Nikirk Ministries. They started with only a computer, and bibles. By the third year with more donations, they were able to get more equipment and supplies. (see photos below) There have now been five graduating classes. We also have an advanced second year program training up pastors and leaders who have completed and graduated the first year. Our sixth year is starting July 2025. Ongoing yearly expenses are $2000.00 for: internet, office supplies, bibles, equipment, batteries, gasoline for transportation and generator. Please partner with us as we continue reaching Liberia Africa and changing lives by empowering the people with these teachings. We cannot do this without your continued support and prayers. Thank you for being a part of this mission.

(included 3 Pastors from other churches)

Third year – new students started July 2022 and are very excited!

Bomi County Pastors & Leaders Training

Apostle David Snylder and a team of Second Year Watchmen School graduates held a three-day training program of the School in Bomi County at the Beulah Retreat and Development Center in May 2023. Most of these rural pastors and leaders lack the training they need to make them efficient and effective in their churches.
This event brought together fifty-six people (pastors and church leaders) representing twelve churches from communities where the center is located. These leaders walked for miles on foot each morning. They are very hungry for more of this type of training. The needs are overwhelming and we are trusting The Lord for his provision so we can be of help to these pastors in a meaningful way. The three day seminar required transportation, lodging, materials, food, and other expenses costing $2,000. Nikirk Ministries was able to fund the entire mission and we are believing The Lord to raise finances to return.
Thank you for your heart to give to this missions outreach.

Pastors & Church Leaders

Apostle David Snylder & Mission Team Graduates