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Gerald & Susan Nikirk welcome you in becoming partners with Nikirk Ministries. Our name Nikirk means New Church. Together Susan and Gerald represent the Jew and Gentile becoming “One New Man.” The Lord uses them mightily as a team as they minister, bridging the gap across the denominational barriers. We teach and support God’s promise to the Jewish people and the land of Israel.
Our ministry reaches the nations, preaching and teaching the Uncompromising Word of God, through Media Outreach, Internet, Audio/Video Materials, Books, and Meetings. We mentor and train leaders in The Body of Messiah world wide. Africa Missions is a major outreach, where we are trying to help Pastors in many nations in Africa, and raising up Watchmen. The hunger from these leaders is great, and there is much financial need. “Watchmen School of Ministry & Prayer” an end-time international charismatic school has been made available online for free. The first Watchmen School started in Liberia, Africa in 2020. There have been four graduating classes, and now with a second year advanced program for ministers and leaders. We also have a school in Kenya, and are helping three pastors in the rural area with humanitarian aid. Please consider giving to this major outreach.
For more information click here: Liberia Watchmen School
The nation of Israel and the Jewish people are another important partnership outreach. Nikirk Ministries supports Vision for Israel and the Joseph Storehouse founded by our close friends, Barry & Batya Segal. Vision for Israel aims to bless Israel in practical ways, restoring lives by spreading love and compassion, distributing humanitarian aid, disaster relief including donating ambulances, and bomb shelters. When we bless Israel, we have a promise of blessing from God. “I will bless those that bless you, and curse those that curse you.” Gen.12:3
For More Info CLICK HERE.
The Susan Nikirk Story, “Dancing Out of Darkness,” a powerful evangelistic DVD has been translated in four languages: Dutch, German, Icelandic, and Mandarin. Susan’s story on DVD has been distributed free of charge to thousands of people, and her testimony has impacted everyone that has heard it. Our vision is to be able to translate this DVD into as many languages as possible and distribute them worldwide, and YOU can help us fulfill this vision.
The Susan Nikirk Story, “Dancing Out of Darkness,” a powerful evangelistic DVD has been translated in four languages: Dutch, German, Icelandic, and Mandarin. Susan’s story on DVD has been distributed free of charge to thousands of people, and her testimony has impacted everyone that has heard it. Our vision is to be able to translate this DVD into as many languages as possible and distribute them worldwide, and YOU can help us fulfill this vision.
A book cover with a woman in front of the words " out of darkness ".
Sowing and Reaping is a biblical principle. “Let him that is taught the word communicate unto him that teaches in all good things.” Gal.6:6 If you have received revelation through our teachings, please pray about partnering with us and sowing into our ministry. 
Nikirk Ministries partners with other ministries, and gives 10% of every gift we receive, so your seed is twice sown: meaning you will reap a harvest from the seeds we sow also.
Partnership is a serious thing for us. We continually pray for you, our partners and stand with you in faith for the promises of God to be fulfilled in your life. Our desire is for all believers to find and fulfill the perfect will of God in their lives as Yeshua/Jesus stated in John 5:30, “I can of my own self do nothing, but as I hear I judge, and my judgment is just because I seek not my own will but the will of the father who sent me.” 
We ask our partners to pray for us and support us financially as they feel led of The Lord. The Word of God says, “One can put a thousand to flight, two ten thousand.” In order to get the job done and reach the lost in this crucial hour, partnership together in ministry is what is needed. 
No seed is too little.  As you sow your financial seed, we stand in faith with you on God’s promise of II Corinthians 9:8 “And God is able to make all grace (every favor and earthly blessing) come to you in abundance, so that you may always and under all circumstances and whatever the need be self-sufficient (possessing enough to require no aid or support and furnished in abundance for every good work and charitable donation)”
To sign up to be a Nikirk Ministries Partner e-mail us your name, full address and prayer requests by clicking here: We will stand with you and be lifting you in prayer. 
In Yeshua’s Love,
Pastors Gerald & Susan Nikirk
Vine Training & Worship Center Inc. a/k/a Nikirk Ministries is a 501(c)3 non-profit charitable organization; contributions are tax-deductable as allowed by law.
Sow your financial partnership seed by making an online contribution to Nikirk Ministries: