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“Set up the standard upon the walls of Babylon, make the watch strong, set up the watchmen, prepare the ambushes.” Jer.51:12
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A book cover with the words " watchmen school of prayer ".
Watchmen School – COMPLETE MP3 AUDIO SET
Watchmen Are God’s Warriors! Watchmen School of Ministry & Prayer is an International End-Time Charismatic School for those who want to pray more effectively and are pursuing a greater understanding of the ways of the Spirit of God. Each class will equip you to come into a deeper, more intimate level of prayer and fellowship with the Holy Spirit. This school is a hands on training ground teaching all manner of prayer, raising up intercessors, tearing down spiritual strongholds, equipping believers to bring revival to your families, churches/ministries, cities, nations, to Prepare The Way of The Lord, and bring God’s Kingdom into the earth! Each MP3 contains a one-hour class of power packed teaching – 24 hours total plus watchmen teams prayer examples! 
A book cover with the words " watchmen school of prayer ".
Watchmen School – COMPLETE MP3 AUDIO SET
Watchmen Are God’s Warriors! Watchmen School of Ministry & Prayer is an International End-Time Charismatic School for those who want to pray more effectively and are pursuing a greater understanding of the ways of the Spirit of God. Each class will equip you to come into a deeper, more intimate level of prayer and fellowship with the Holy Spirit. This school is a hands on training ground teaching all manner of prayer, raising up intercessors, tearing down spiritual strongholds, equipping believers to bring revival to your families, churches/ministries, cities, nations, to Prepare The Way of The Lord, and bring God’s Kingdom into the earth! Each MP3 contains a one-hour class of power packed teaching – 24 hours total plus watchmen teams prayer examples! 
It is recommended that classes be taken in sequence in order to get the most understanding. 
Class 1 – Foundations of Prayer
The Church is called to be a warring church.  Believers are to take their dominion over Satan in prayer.  Jer.51:12 is explained so that you are able to be the prophet over your own life.  Prayer is taking a stand and fighting for what is right in the earth.
Class 2 – Our Faith & Prayer
Develop your faith muscles.  You cannot pray or receive past your own faith level.  Learn the difference between faith-based prayer and fear-based prayer.
Class 3 – Walking in the Spirit
Learn how to be led and controlled by the Holy Spirit in every situation.  Find out the dangers of spiritualism which is the counterfeit of the Holy Spirit.  Realize that the Holy Spirit is your Watchman.
Class 4 – The Wisdom of God & Prayer
Godly Wisdom is the principal thing in prayer. God speaks Spirit to our spirit, not Spirit to our mind. Learn how to discern is this a God idea, or a good idea?
Class 5 – Hindrances to Prayer
“My people perish for lack of knowledge.” Hos.4:6 Learn the hindrances that can stop your prayers from happening.
Class 6 – Types of Prayer
Bring victory in your prayer life, by learning all types of prayer, when and how to use them effectively.
Class 7 – Prayer & The Blood
Learn your legal rights through the Blood Covenant, take your authority back in the earth. You must know the purpose of the Blood. Rev. 12:11 tells us that the Blood of Yeshua/Jesus is one of our most powerful weapons of prayer against the devil.
Class 8 – Infilling of the Holy Spirit & Tongues
Believers are to operate in the power of the Holy Spirit today just as it was in the book of Acts. Religion will tell you that speaking in tongues is of the devil or that it was only for the early church. This is a lie, learn the truth from the scriptures; get filled with the Holy Spirit and see your life change.
Class 9 – Ministry of Intercession
All believers should be intercessors. It is one who takes the place of another, a gate keeper, one who stands in the gap, a watchman. Selfishness cannot intercede. Learn to become an intercessor, and possess the heart of God, His love, His compassion.
Class 10 – Types of Intercession
See your loved ones saved, your cities and nations changed. All believers are called to pray for our nation’s leaders, and to pray for Israel. Learn the varied types of intercession and how to use them in the different circumstances.
Class 11 – Supplication & Sounds of Prayer
This class is the ground work to learn the principals of the deep intercession of the Holy Spirit. To supplicate is to pray with tremendous heartfelt request, as it states in James 5:16, effectual fervent prayer. 1 Cor.14:10 states that there is no sound without significance. Learn to discern the true from the false in intercessory prayer.
Class 12 – Advanced Intercession I – Groanings
Groanings – Are you desperate for something in your life? Are you or a loved one in need of deliverance? Learn the intercession of the Groanings. It was used by the children of Israel as they cried out to God to deliver them from the bondage of Egypt. It was used by Yeshua/Jesus as he groaned in Hebrews 5:7 to learn obedience, and also before he raised Lazarus from the dead. The Groanings of the Holy Spirit is one of the most important and powerful tools in prayer. Learn the true meaning of Romans 8:26.
Class 13 – Advanced Intercession II – Travail
Travail – In Genesis 1:2 the Spirit of God Himself hovered over the face of the waters, and brought forth the earth. The Spirit of God travailed. This type of prayer is a birthing forth. Learn the deeper intersession sound of Travail, which brings the will of God from heaven to earth.
Class 14 – Advanced Intercession III – Weepings
Weepings – Are you free enough to weep at the condition of God’s people? Intercession of weeping is a cry from your heart. If your heart is hard and you cannot weep, then you first must break up your fallow ground, and cry/groan to get deliverance. Learn the difference between cries of rebellion, grief, and self-pity; verses the true cry of The Holy Spirit.
Spiritual Warfare Prayer I
Class 15 – Foundation
Spiritual Warfare is taking your position as a believer in Yeshua/Jesus against darkness. There is a double-kingdom system, behind the earthly seen kingdom is an unseen kingdom with a satanic ruler in the heavenly realm. Spiritual warfare is a way of life for a believer and must be understood.
Class 16 – Understanding Principalities & Powers
Learn Eph.6:12 in depth, as to the rank and file of Satan’s kingdom. Realize the authority, power and anointing the believer has been given through the finished work of Yeshua/Jesus.
Spiritual Warfare Prayer II
Class 17 – The Armor of God
Learn in depth the meanings of all the Armor of God written in Eph.6:10-18. There are three offensive weapons, three defensive weapons, and one neutral weapon. Become a soldier and put your armor on daily. Included is a picture of the armor that can be downloaded.
Class 18 – Weapons of Warfare
Learn your authority in Messiah/Christ, and how to use the many different weapons that God has given you. Possess the victory for your life, family, work, ministry, city and nation. Faith Is A Fight!
Spiritual Warfare Prayer III
Class 19 – Sounds of Warfare Prayer
In Ex.15:3, The Lord is called a Man of War, and in the Hebrew language, war means the art of combat. 1 Cor.14:10 states there is no sound without significance. In battle, and in war there are sounds heard. Demons hate loudness, religion wants to keep you quiet. Believers are to use the sounds that will pierce the demonic realm. Learn powerful end time sounds of warfare prayer to gain your victory.
Class 20 – The Roar of the Lion of Judah
Yeshua/Jesus is the Lion of Judah. We are to be like Him, full of courage, strength, bold as a lion. The roar is the lion’s most characteristic sound. There is a roar that believers can use to command the powers of darkness to flee, learn about this.
Class 21 – Praise & Worship Prayer
Learn how Praise and Worship should be a life-style of serving and loving God. It is not just about going to a service and singing, or listening to music. As believers we are to continually offer up a praise to God which can bring victory over our circumstances.
Class 22 – Praise & Worship Prayer in Spiritual Warfare
Learn the many forms of Spiritual Warfare that can be used through Praise and Worship.  Hebrew root words and meanings will be explained, i.e. Shabach, which means to address in a loud tone, to command..”  Dancing and the use of banners and flags will be taught as to how to use them.   
Class 23 – Victorious Watchmen Prayer
Watchmen must be overcomers, be able to stand and take the victory! Learn how to use different tools of the Bible and the gift of discerning of spirits in these last days. “Watch and Pray so that you will not fall into temptation.” Included are watchmen teams prayer examples.
Class 24 – End Time Watchmen Prayer Israel/Nations
Learn and be aware of the signs that show what is happening in these end times in order to pray effectively.  God’s heart is Israel, and the Jewish people to return to their land.  The bible is very clear that believers are to “Pray For The Peace of Jerusalem.” Learn how to be a Watchmen for Israel/Nations, and how to make a bridge from your territory to Israel, by setting up Watch Teams! Included are prayer examples. Prepare The Way of The Lord!
Class 1 – Foundations of Prayer
The Church is called to be a warring church.  Believers are to take their dominion over Satan in prayer. Jer.51:12 is explained so that you are able to be the prophet over your own life. Prayer is taking a stand and fighting for what is right in the earth.
Class 2 – Our Faith & Prayer
Develop your faith muscles. You cannot pray or receive past your own faith level. Learn the difference between faith-based prayer and fear-based prayer.
Class 3 – Walking in the Spirit
Learn how to be led and controlled by the Holy Spirit in every situation. Find out the dangers of spiritualism which is the counterfeit of the Holy Spirit. Realize that the Holy Spirit is your Watchman.
Class 4 – The Wisdom of God & Prayer
Godly Wisdom is the principal thing in prayer. God speaks Spirit to our spirit, not Spirit to our mind. Learn how to discern is this a God idea, or a good idea?
Class 5 – Hindrances to Prayer
“My people perish for lack of knowledge.”  Hos.4:6. Learn the hindrances that can stop your prayers from happening.
Class 6 – Types of Prayer
Bring victory in your prayer life, by learning all types of prayer, when and how to use them effectively.
Class 7 – Prayer & The Blood
Learn your legal rights through the Blood Covenant, take your authority back in the earth. You must know the purpose of the Blood. Rev. 12:11 tells us that the Blood of Yeshua/Jesus is one of our most powerful weapons of prayer against the devil.
Class 8 – Infilling of the Holy Spirit & Tongues
Believers are to operate in the power of the Holy Spirit today just as it was in the book of Acts. Religion will tell you that speaking in tongues is of the devil or that it was only for the early church. This is a lie, learn the truth from the scriptures; get filled with the Holy Spirit and see your life change.
Class 9 – Ministry of Intercession
All believers should be intercessors. It is one who takes the place of another, a gate keeper, one who stands in the gap, a watchman. Selfishness cannot intercede. Learn to become an intercessor, and possess the heart of God, His love, His compassion.
Class 10 – Types of Intercession
See your loved ones saved, your cities and nations changed. All believers are called to pray for our nation’s leaders, and to pray for Israel. Learn the varied types of intercession and how to use them in the different circumstances.
Class 11 – Supplication & Sounds of Prayer
This class is the ground work to learn the principals of the deep intercession of the Holy Spirit. To supplicate is to pray with tremendous heartfelt request, as it states in James 5:16, effectual fervent prayer. 1 Cor.14:10 states that there is no sound without significance. Learn to discern the true from the false in intercessory prayer.
Class 12 – Advanced Intercession I – Groanings
Groanings – Are you desperate for something in your life? Are you or a loved one in need of deliverance? Learn the intercession of the Groanings. It was used by the children of Israel as they cried out to God to deliver them from the bondage of Egypt. It was used by Yeshua/Jesus as he groaned in Hebrews 5:7 to learn obedience, and also before he raised Lazarus from the dead. The Groanings of the Holy Spirit is one of the most important and powerful tools in prayer. Learn the true meaning of Romans 8:26.
Class 13 – Advanced Intercession II – Travail
Travail – In Genesis 1:2 the Spirit of God Himself hovered over the face of the waters, and brought forth the earth. The Spirit of God travailed. This type of prayer is a birthing forth. Learn the deeper intersession sound of Travail, which brings the will of God from heaven to earth.
Class 14 – Advanced Intercession III – Weepings
Weepings – Are you free enough to weep at the condition of God’s people? Intercession of weeping is a cry from your heart. If your heart is hard and you cannot weep, then you first must break up your fallow ground, and cry/groan to get deliverance. Learn the difference between cries of rebellion, grief, and self-pity; verses the true cry of The Holy Spirit.
Spiritual Warfare Prayer I
Class 15 – Foundation
Spiritual Warfare is taking your position as a believer in Yeshua/Jesus against darkness. There is a double-kingdom system, behind the earthly seen kingdom is an unseen kingdom with a satanic ruler in the heavenly realm. Spiritual warfare is a way of life for a believer and must be understood.
Class 16 – Understanding Principalities & Powers
Learn Eph.6:12 in depth, as to the rank and file of Satan’s kingdom. Realize the authority, power and anointing the believer has been given through the finished work of Yeshua/Jesus.
Spiritual Warfare Prayer II
Class 17 – The Armor of God
Learn in depth the meanings of all the Armor of God written in Eph.6:10-18. There are three offensive weapons, three defensive weapons, and one neutral weapon. Become a soldier and put your armor on daily. Included is a picture of the armor that can be downloaded.
Class 18 – Weapons of Warfare
Learn your authority in Messiah/Christ, and how to use the many different weapons that God has given you. Possess the victory for your life, family, work, ministry, city and nation. Faith Is A Fight!
Spiritual Warfare Prayer III
Class 19 – Sounds of Warfare Prayer
In Ex.15:3, The Lord is called a Man of War, and in the Hebrew language, war means the art of combat. 1 Cor.14:10 states there is no sound without significance. In battle, and in war there are sounds heard. Demons hate loudness, religion wants to keep you quiet. Believers are to use the sounds that will pierce the demonic realm. Learn powerful end time sounds of warfare prayer to gain your victory.
Class 20 – The Roar of the Lion of Judah
Yeshua/Jesus is the Lion of Judah. We are to be like Him, full of courage, strength, bold as a lion. The roar is the lion’s most characteristic sound. There is a roar that believers can use to command the powers of darkness to flee, learn about this.
Class 21 – Praise & Worship Prayer
Learn how Praise and Worship should be a life-style of serving and loving God. It is not just about going to a service and singing, or listening to music. As believers we are to continually offer up a praise to God which can bring victory over our circumstances.
Class 22 – Praise & Worship Prayer in Spiritual Warfare
Learn the many forms of Spiritual Warfare that can be used through Praise and Worship.  Hebrew root words and meanings will be explained, i.e. Shabach, which means to address in a loud tone, to command..”  Dancing and the use of banners and flags will be taught as to how to use them.   
Class 23 – Victorious Watchmen Prayer
Watchmen must be overcomers, be able to stand and take the victory!  Learn how to use different tools of the Bible and the gift of discerning of spirits in these last days.  “Watch and Pray so that you will not fall into temptation.” Included are watchmen teams prayer examples.
Class 24 – End Time Watchmen Prayer Israel/Nations
Learn and be aware of the signs that show what is happening in these end times in order to pray effectively.  God’s heart is Israel, and the Jewish people to return to their land.  The bible is very clear that believers are to “Pray For The Peace of Jerusalem.” Learn how to be a Watchmen for Israel/Nations, and how to make a bridge from your territory to Israel, by setting up Watch Teams! Included are prayer examples. Prepare The Way of The Lord!