"The Spirit of The Lord is upon me..." Luke 4:18
Seeking to "Set The Captives Free," Susan stirs the hearts of people to Love the Will of God. She brings Revival with her as she preaches under the anointing of the Holy Spirit, touching and changing the lives.
In Susan’s journey with The Lord, her life has gone through many journeys. As a former professional dancer from NYC, involved in show business with all of it's glamour, there was always a void in her heart. Raised Jewish from a family that escaped the Holocaust and losing her father at the age of nine, fear was a constant battle. Susan has also gone through a long healing process of misdiagnosed Lyme disease, and fought the fight of faith in the long awaited 17-year dream of the miracle adoption of her Chinese daughter Autumn. Through this she ministers out of a heart of compassion for the sick and the hopeless, helping to rebuild their faith.
As an ordained minister, Susan has traveled nationally and internationally, seeing many saved, healed, and delivered. Together with her husband Gerald, they founded Nikirk Ministries, Voice In New England Television Broadcast, and Vine Training & Worship Center. She also founded The International Watchmen School of Ministry & Prayer that is online for free and now in Africa. Today, Susan's passion is to awaken The Body of Christ to their Jewish roots and a love for Israel. A book she has written on this subject is "A Church of Ruths", which is available online. Susan also mentors churches, ministries, and leaders, helping them fulfill their destiny.
From Beatles to Messiah
The Susan Nikirk story touches and changes lives. On this video see her dance with the Beatles, on Broadway and Television, and finally dance to the Lord. A powerful evangelistic tool! Watch this video for FREE online. Available in English & Mandarin Chinese. Help us to continue reaching the lost with these free Dancing Out of Darkness videos.
When I meditated on the word Guidance, I kept seeing “dance” at the end of the word.
I remember reading that doing God’s will is a lot like dancing.
When two people try to lead, nothing feels right.
The movement doesn’t flow with the music, and everything is quite uncomfortable and jerky.
When one person realizes that, and lets the other lead, both bodies begin to flow with the music.
It is as if two become one body, moving beautifully.
The dance takes surrender, willingness, and attentiveness from one person,
And gentle guidance and skill from the other.
My eyes drew back to the word Guidance.
When I saw “G”: I thought of “God”, followed by “u” and “i”.
“God”, “u” and “i” dance.”
God, you, and I dance.
As I lowered my head, I became willing to trust that I would get guidance about my life.
Once again, I became willing to let God lead.
My prayer for you today is that God’s blessings and mercies be upon you on this day and everyday.
May you abide in God as God abides in you.
Dance together with God, trusting God to lead and to guide you through each season of your life!
(Author Unknown)
Watch Susan Silva Nikirk as Ballroom Champion:
David Van Hamilton & Susan Silva
1982 Ohio Star Ball Professional Exhibition Ballroom Champions
For more information: www.susansilvadance.com