Sponsor a Kitale, Kenya Watchmen Pastor
"But if anyone has the world's goods and sees his brother in need, yet closes his heart against him, how does God's love abide in him?"
1 John 3:17
Watchmen Pastors in Kitale, Kenya began to meet in 2020 on a regular basis with Pastor Nathan Mwanzi, Pastor Tonny Ndiema, and Pastor Moses Kwanuti. They have no personal transportation, so meeting together is difficult since they live far apart. Below are photos of each of these Pastors and their families. Funds are needed for basic necessities such as clean water, food, shelter, medicine, transportation, and for their children to attend school. Since Covid, life has become much harder for all of them, losing their jobs, but they are still preaching the gospel and continuing in their churches. Nikirk Ministries sends funds to these families whenever possible. These three pastors have been faithful prayer warriors, and there has been one graduating class of The Watchmen School in Pastor Nathan’s Church. I have continued to mentor and teach these pastors through the internet with Zoom meetings on their iPhone, which are very unreliable and costly. The Lord has blessed me to have them as my spiritual sons and that they call me Mama. Please let your heart be moved to help today by Sponsoring a Pastor and his family, no amount is too small. Together, we can help those in need.
Apostle Susan Nikirk
Pastor Nathan Mwanzi & His Family

Pastor Nathan Mwanzi has a local church, a praise and worship ministry where he composes and writes Gospel songs, and reaches out with evangelism. He does small-scale farming and his wife runs a small business which does not sustain them. Recently, Pastor Nathan has been building bricks from his land so that he can sell them, but does not have enough funds to finish this project. Nikirk Ministries has sent funds to help sustain this family. Pastor Nathan completed the Watchmen School of Ministry & Prayer, and started the first school in Kenya. There were five graduates. We believe this school will reach many people and change their lives.
Kenya Watchmen School Graduates
Pastor Tonny Ndiema & His Family

Pastor Tonny Ndiema has three churches working under him. He and his wife experienced tragedy when one of his four sons died by drowning in a pond a few years ago. Last year, the Lord gave them a miracle of another son, which they named Gerald after Pastor Gerald Nikirk. Nikirk Ministries has sent funds for medical emergencies, schooling and other basic needs. The community well where they get their water from has dried up. Pastor Tonny’s wife walks three miles to get water from the river which is not clean. They are believing The Lord for the funds to build their own well.
Pastor Moses Kwanuti & His Family

Pastor Moses Kwanuti oversees five churches in Kenya. He has seven children and one adopted child. Pastor Moses Kwanti’s house was flooded, and funds were sent to help with a rental apartment for the family. Pastor Moses wrote: “I live by faith I don’t have a permanent job; before the pandemic I was working as an assistant teacher in a private school, but until now the country is still in lockdown so no payment. Since my house collapsed I bake bricks to earn my income and also have poultry hens that earn eggs and sell others.” Nikirk Ministries sent funds to help restore his house and for other needs.
Kenya’s Water and Sanitation Crisis

With a population of 50 million, 32% of Kenyans rely on unimproved water sources, such as ponds, shallow wells and rivers, while 48% of Kenyans lack access to basic sanitation solutions. Now, more than ever, access to safe water is critical to the health of families in Kenya so they can protect themselves from diseases.
Water pathogens are a huge health problem in Kenya, as the people have been left unprotected against sporadic epidemics such as cholera and parasitic worms. The rate of exposure is extremely high because not only is the water contaminated at the basins and pumps where water is collected, but the containers are almost always second-hand objects, often previously used for oil, fertilizer or wastes. The picture shown here is the borehole, where Pastor Nathan’s family gets their water from, and the container they use. Please donate to help these families in providing clean water.