Miracle From China

This is the Adoption Story of Autumn Nikirk. Gerald & Susan Nikirk have ministered nationally, and internationally for many years; being a prophetic voice to the nations. They have seen many saved, healed, and delivered under the anointing of the Holy Spirit. The nation that has been in their hearts from the beginning of their ministry is CHINA! Many years ago, in the early 1960's, Pastor Roger Edwards, Gerald Nikirk's cousin, went to China and started an underground Christian Church in Hong Kong. Unfortunately he became very ill and died. But the vision and mission for China never died.
As Gerald and Susan Nikirk prayed for God's direction and will for their lives and ministry, CHINA continued to be in their hearts with a desire to reach the Chinese people preaching the Gospel, and the Jewish Roots of the Christian faith. The Nikirks also had a desire to adopt a little girl from China, but how and when would God bring this to pass?
Although seeing miracles in other nations, the one thing that was a dream and desire of Susan's heart was to have a child. For years Susan stood on Hebrews 11:11, but nothing happened. In 1991, Susan and Gerald felt led of God to adopt a little girl from China, Susan even had her name, "Autumn". The Nikirks tried to do this back then, but it was not possible because of financial lack and a lot of ministry travel.
In April of 2003, Susan was attacked physically and became very ill. She was at the brink of death many times, and went to over 40 doctors. No one knew what was happening to her; she eventually wound up in a wheelchair. Eventually she was diagnosed with Post Lyme auto-immune disease, which affects thousands of people. So like the woman with the issue of blood in the New Testament, who had spent all her money on doctors, the same happened to Susan, and her faith was strongly tested. The only words Susan heard from the Lord during this time was "Satan is trying to sift you like wheat, but I am praying for you that your faith fail not."
When she heard these words in her heart from The Lord, she also saw a vision of The Lord, Jesus/Yeshua sitting on His Throne, wearing a beautiful long red robe with braids of gold on His shoulders, and He was leaning forward looking down into the earth praying and interceding for His people, just as the bible says. So just as Jesus/Yeshua said to the woman in the bible, as she reached out to touch the hem of His garment "Woman, your faith has made you whole", so too Susan's faith had to reach out in a greater and stronger way.
As Susan sat in a wheel chair, unable to do very much, dreams and visions of her former dancing as a professional performer and her dance ministry for The Lord went through her mind. The dream of dancing for The Lord again became a prayer. Praying out of the book of Psalms, "God turns my mourning into dancing, Susan began to stand and believe again to dance. Miraculously this prayer became a reality, and in dedication to God's healing power, her first dance performance was out of Song of Songs, "Dance With Me", where she portrays the bride of Messiah dancing with the bridegroom Yeshua. The story of Susan Nikirk's healing is a miracle, and it has happened little by little, as she continued to stand on God's Word, especially Isaiah 40:31.
During the time of Susan's illness, again the dream of adopting a little girl from China was burning in her heart. With no finances, and still not completely recovered, Susan also thought that at her age being a mother could never happen.
But she read again in the Living Bible, Hebrews 11:11, "Sarah too had faith, and because of this she was able to become a mother in spite of her old age, for she realized that God, who gave her his promise, would certainly do what he said." Susan reclaimed this scripture again. On this same day June 11, 2006, both Gerald and Susan were praying in different places and phoned each other, they both had heard from The Lord to pursue the adoption of their Chinese little girl now.
"Nothing Is Impossible With God," God made a way. Almost immediately Susan was able to find a Christian adoption agency, and they proceeded to fill out the application. They were accepted! Supernaturally Gerald & Susan Nikirk worked diligently and swiftly on the huge amount of adoption paperwork, and were able to get their papers into China in three months, which usually takes six. Susan had felt The Lord's urgency in doing this, and right after their paperwork was logged into China's adoption agency, China changed their rules of adoption and they would not have been able to adopt. Then the Chinese government began to slow down the adoptions of the children, and the wait time kept increasing; but Susan and Gerald kept praying and standing. Other believers and ministries joined their faith and even financial support with the Nikirks in prayer for the completion of their adoption. It was a difficult time, but they continued to believe and trust that God would bring their daughter home to them; and they stood on Rev.3:8, where Yeshua said, "I have set before you an open door, that no man can shut it.
As the wait time to adopt from China increased, there were many special needs children that were not getting homes. The Nikirks prayed and felt strongly from The Holy Spirit to now adopt a special needs child between the ages of 2-4 years. Susan had a word from The Lord that in the autumn season of 2007 she would get Autumn. The adoption agency said there would be no more groups of children for referrals till beginning of 2008. But, at the last moment, during the beginning of December 2007, still being the autumn season, another group of children's files and pictures that were to be adopted were sent to the agency. Susan and Gerald knew Autumn was in this group, yet they still did not get a referral. There was a picture of one special needs child that was left on the adoption agencies website that was not matched with any parents. The Nikirks asked for the file and information on this child called Qi Jia Chuan. This child was 3 years old and diagnosed with a major learning disability. After praying for many days, Gerald and Susan knew this child was their Autumn. For the next four months Susan prayed daily over Autumn's picture healing scriptures over her brain and mind.
The Nikirks on "Gotcha Day"
On May 5, 2008, called "Gotcha Day, Susan and Gerald went to China, to Hubei Province to get and adopt their little girl who at that time was four years old. Susan's dream of becoming a mother came true. Gerald and Susan finally brought their daughter home. After returning to America with Autumn, she had another MRI where the doctors found no trace of the diagnosis she was given in China. Her brain was perfect! God made a way when there was no way. Autumn is brilliant, she graduated high school in 2022 with a two year college degree, her picture is below.

The Nikirks have evangelized into China through shortwave radio and the "Dancing Out of Darkness DVD testimony tape of Susan's life story, translated into Mandarin. There were so many incredible miracles and open doors that happened on this journey to adopt our daughter; it will take a book to write them all. May our story strengthen your faith, and renew your dreams! "With God All Things Are Possible." Mt.19:26
In Yeshua's Love,
Gerald, Susan & Autumn Nikirk
At 12, Autumn ministered in the Netherlands and Germany.