The Netherlands was the first Nation overseas that The Lord had us begin our evangelistic/prophetic ministry in 1993. We traveled there for 10 years seeing many lives touched and changed. After 13 years not being able to travel because of health attacks at Pastor Susan we were blessed to return again to the Netherlands and Germany in 2016. We preached in churches that we have known for years and love, connecting again with the many ministers that have been our close friends. There were many salvations, healings, and deliverances during our trip. Our daughter Autumn's life was changed forever as she also ministered a few minutes in each church, sharing about how God blessed her and took her out of China, and gave her parents. Click here for the video
Below is Pastor Susan preaching a powerful message at Revival Impact Center in Amsterdam:
Pastor Gerald ministered in the prophetic drums, playing and teaching warfare drums in some of the services. If you have never heard him he is quite anointed.
In Frankfurt, Germany Pastor Susan went to visit the house her family was born in, and there were two stones at the entrance that had the names of two of her family members that died in the Holocaust. It was a touching moment for her. Thank God that Susan's mother and immediate family escaped or she would never have been born.
The Nikirks also met with an important evangelical minister in Frankfurt and spoke about the rising anti-Semitism and his response was "God will take care of the Jews." This is the same type of disregard in the Church that was prior to and during WW II. Our hearts were grieved to hear this. The Bible says that there will be fishers and then the hunters. There needs to be hearts open to help again should the time come. This is one of the main prophetic messages Pastor Susan has preached since 2002, on "A Church of Ruths," click here to hear the message. She has also written a book "A Church of Ruths," available on our website. Seems the Church is asleep to this all over the world.
There were many divine appointments and close ministry friendships restored after many years. We ministered to a number of Muslims, and they were very open. Amazingly enough, Pastor Susan had the privilege of leading a Muslim taxi driver to the Lord the last day in Germany as he drove us to the airport. We are believing for many of them to get saved. Now we are continuing our preaching and teaching overseas through the internet. Although the Netherlands and Germany are not considered a third world country, it is still in need of mission work.
Please consider becoming a partner with our ministry, as we continue to preach the Gospel overseas and here in the USA. Pastor Susan is an Evangelist and that is her main calling, but another area is preaching/teaching "The One New Man," teaching the Jewish Roots of our faith, the Love for Israel and the Jewish People. This is not a popular message, but it truly is God's heartbeat. Pray for us as we continue to bring the Uncompromising Word of The Lord to a lost and dying world.
Below are a few pictures of our trip:
- Pastors Gerald and Susan with Pastor Gerard from Maranatha Ministries, Amsterdam
- Pastor Susan preaching in Marantha Ministries, in Amsterdam
- Frankfurt, Germany the house my family was born in
- Pastor Susan and Autumn preaching in the Netherlands
- Pastor Susan with Pastor Jolanda, Bishop Xiomara from Revival Impact Centre, Amsterdam
- Pastors Gerald and Susan with Pastors Bernhard and Karin Koch in Rinteln, Germany
- Two stones at the entrance of the house, family members that died in the Holocaust
- Our close friends, Rev. Remsley Riley, Shahidra, and children
- Visiting our good friend Evangelist Jaap Dieleman in the Netherlands
Invite Pastors Gerald & Susan Nikirk to come and minister to your nation, city, church, synagogue and ministry. Please contact our ministry office by calling +1-860-707-4596 or email: [email protected]